
An alumnus of the University of Georgia, Beth has been a gymnastics instructor for over 45 years. Beth has operated gymnastics facilities for more than 45 years, the largest being the Cobb County Georgia Parks and Recreation gymnastics facility and its programs with over 750 kids enrolled. She has developed and implemented gymnastics programs in Georgia, Texas and Florida.  She has also taught Health and PE in the Georgia and Texas public school systems for a total of 9 years.

In 2003, after she and her family moved to Huntsville, Beth opened Ryland Pike Gymnastics in space that was leased from the Southern Sass Dance Studios. In 2008, to meet the continued growth of her enrollment, she decided to move the program into its own facilities on Winchester Road where she renamed the facility Alabama Kidnastics. We began with one suite and now have expanded to 5 suites and open a second location. We began with one program and expanded to over 10. We want to be your one stop shop for all your child’s activities!